Growing Hydrangeas on a Balcony

Hello, I am interested in growing hydrangea on my condo terrace. However I would like a small mop head variety in a size that reaches a maximum height 18″. Or is there a similar type of plant that flowers like…


1. Right time of the year to plant? 2. I live north of Major Mackenzie in Markham, will it survive in winter? 3. My flower bed is in shade.? 4. Is there any particular type of Hydrangea I should plant?…

Hydrangeas – Not Blooming

Two years ago I mistakenly trimmed my hydrangeas in the spring (May 2015). They were established and had been blooming for 3 years. Unfortunately, they have not bloomed since I trimmed them. From everything I read I would not have…

Hydrangea, Mop Head *

I have 2 Hydrangeas MH. 1 is just starting to bloom. The other 1 shows no sign of blooming. With the approaching frost, is there something I should be doing now to protect the plant?…

Dying Emerald Cedars, Viburnum, and Berberis *

Hello, Several Emerald cedars planted a year ago in the spring have turned brown suddenly and died–they have been watered throughout this summer weekly. A 12-13 year old Viburnum flowered beautifully this spring, but branches have been suddenly drying up…

Hydrangeas Vine and Peegees*

Hi there, I have both vines and shrubs with the leaves turning varigated. I’ve fertilized them with Miracle Grow (the nursery said this would address any potential iron issues) and still this has been happening every year for the last…

What plant is this*

 I purchased a plant at a yard sale and was told it was a Hydrangea macrophylla. I have had it in different areas of my yard with varying degrees of sunlight. I’ve trimmed it in the fall, or not at…

Peegee Hydrangea*

The leaves have suddenly turned yellow with the veins remaining green. Zone 5b full sun. Dry. Loam…

Hydrangea and Chipmunks*

Hello! 2 questions if I may: 1. How to control a chipmunk problem. I have numerous chipmunk holes in my garden. One of these homes is under one of my flower gardens. They dig holes everywhere. Any suggestions? I cannot…

Hydrangea paniculata*

We live in southern Quebec. We bought a hydrangea paniculata tree last year and the blooms were beautiful. I pruned the blooms off in the winter as they were falling off. This year the tree grew leaves but there are…