Cactus turned orange

I’ve had this cactus sitting in direct sunlight by a large west facing window for 2 years. I water about once per month. At the beginning it was entirely green but slowly it has accumulated this orange/white powdery looking substance…

My vegetable plants are being eaten

The vegetable plants in the ground and in the post are completely eaten. I have sprayed them with the soap insectiside Bug be Gon to no effect. The leaves are completely eaten and even the stalks. I examined the leaves…

Thrips on strawberries

I think I have thrips on my strawberries. It’s producing stunted strawberries with brown spots. The flowers are also getting damaged. They seem to come out more in the evenings. I had this issue last year and sprayed the plant…

Beech Blight Aphids

My 20 year old beautiful Beech hedge has Beech Blight Aphids. What will work to get rid of them and NOT humans? Neem Bill, vinegar, epsom salts, dishsoap???…

Follow-up question to response about dealing with red aphids

First, thank you so much for identifying the red aphids that are infesting my False Sunflower ‘Bleeding Hearts’! I’ve taken your advice and sprayed (all hundred million of them) with insecticidal soap, and hope you’ll indulge a follow-up question: what…

Japanese Maple – Bleached Leaves

Hi again, I appreciate every time I have written in and I have received great advice. So, what brings me here today? I am attaching a photo of my ten year old J. Maple. I just noticed that, on two…

moths flying around my lawn

Last year I noticed that I have sodworm infestation on my lawn. Therefore, this year in May, I put in sodworm nematodes and in June I applied BTK, then in mid July I applied insecticide.  Now the end of August,…

My balcony garden’s ongoing war with aphids

I love petunias and their gorgeous colours but what I DON’T love are the Aphids!!!! Every single summer, I buy petunias that look stunning up until August and then, the aphids ring the dinner bell and my lush beauties become…

Honey Locust Trees-Impacts of Various Insects

I have two Honey Locust Trees in the front yard which every year have various insects such as plant bugs, midges, etc. The arborist recommends annual spraying each year with insecticidal spray (two applications). What will be the impact on…

Sooty mould on ponytail palm

Hi- You diagnosed my palm with sooty mould. (see link below) Have washed and wiped the plant and removed the dead stems which are primarily on the lower stems. The mould is primarily where the leaf joins the main trunk.The…