What is this on the underside of my collard leaves

Not all leaves are affected. I don’t know if this is normal or abnormal. I juice my greens so I need to find out what this is and whether I should just be ripping off these leaves and not composting…

Tiny caterpillars

Hey folks, first time I’ve ever seen tiny green caterpillars in my garden, and really hurting my Mountain mint and Columbines. Besides removing the worms by hand, what else can be done, and does anyone know what these little caterpillars…

White Trillium with Deformed Leaves

There is a patch of established, large white trilliums in my backyard garden. The leaves of some of the trilliums are deformed as you can see in the attached photo. The soil is sandy and acidic and the patch grows…

Oak leaf die off

My swamp white oak is experiencing leaf die off starting on the bottom branches and from the trunk out. There is browning on the tips of the leaves and curling but there are also holes in the leaves all the…

Identifying pests/disease on hedge

Hello, We have a hedge around the house which looks like boxwood, I have recently noticed some black spots and holes on the leaves, as well as ants and some other bugs, as you can see the photos. I was…

Something’s eating my Baptisia australis

I planted my large healthy specimen, from a reliable nursery, less than a month ago. Now a handful of branches have round bites on the leaves. (See leaves below.) Please advise. (I have hort oil, and slug powder, but will…