Potted Calla Lily – dividing

A year ago I was given a calla lily. In the fall I cut it down and put it in the cool, dark basement and just left it until spring. Brought it out in the spring and it was beautiful.…

Propagating Oriental Tree Lilies

My Lily Tree was going to die. I took the upper part into the house, put it in a clear vase, left it on the window ledge. It now has fibrous roots as well as what appears to be 2…

Calla Lily

I’m pretty new at gardening, I bought “Akela” Calla Lily Bulbs from Canadian Tire…I LOVE the colour…I planted them and totally ruined the bulbs within a couple of days. There are no more left at Canadian Tire and I really…

Canna Lilies *

Hello, I purchased some planters this summer that contained some canna lilies (I think that is what they are called). I would like to know the following: 1. When the flowers die, should I deadhead them? I did some but…