Morning Glories / Trellis?

Hello! I am planting morning glory seeds along my fence. It is a privacy fence with 5 inch wide vertical wood slats that are 1/2 inch deep; the slats are staggered with about 1.5 inches of space of depth in…

Morning Glories not Blooming

I grew my morning glories from seed and the vines are lovely and vigorous but there is NO sign of a flower. Is it possible that they will still come? I see other people’s flowering already in my Toronto neighbourhood.…


Hello, this is a dumb question but… I wanna try to crossbreed a white vareity cypress vine with a pink star shape pink morning glory called “kikyo pink”, but im scared the results could be a new and poisonous/dangerous species..…

Morning glories*

I live in Etobicoke and every year plant 50 Morning Glory plants along my fence. I am situated on a corner lot, north side of the street so they get plenty of sun facing south + sandy soil. Please advise…