Weeping Pussy willow

I planted a Weeping Pussy willow in my garden this spring. Should I put a layer of mulch over the soil? Thank you.…

Buying mulch and jumping worms

I need mulch for my flower gardens and wanted to buy natural cedar mulch from a Toronto garden supplier. Do I need to be concerned about infecting my garden with jumping worms?…

Using fall leaves as additive to spring compost

Hello! Once the ground has dried this spring, can I mix the leaf coverage of my garden with manure to enrich my soil, or should I clear all the leaf coverage that I left down from last fall before amending…

arborist wood chips

I have heard conflicting advice about using fresh wood chips in the garden. Some say do not use as they tie up nitrogen, and others say that the nitrogen gets released back. Can I use wood chips?…

to mulch or not to mulch

Hi – I am redoing 3 garden beds, incorporating hydrangeas for the first time, and then sticking with the basics i.e. speedwell, lavender, phlox, echinacea, etc. I have been gardening for many years, but have never mulched. As I will…

Using Leaves as a Winter Mulch

This Toronto Master Gardeners’ guide discusses whether gardeners should put their fall leaves onto garden beds to protect their beds during winter. Like many gardening questions, the answer is a bit subtle. What to do with your leaves depends on:…

Metasequoia sapling care

1) I am so excited about my new metasequoia sapling that the city planted in my front yard two weeks ago. It’s about 5 feet tall. My yard is a hill, south facing, lots of sun. Q: How can I…

Mock strawberry plant

1. I believe I have some mock strawberry on my lawn (see attached) and have spent hours pulling it up by the roots. I have applied a solution of diluted vinegar and am considering placing some cardboard over some areas.…

Preparing new garden bed

I am planning to create a new garden bed near the foundation of my house. Should I remove the existing soil and if so, to what depth? I think I should lay down landscaping paper and would like to know…

Amending poor soil

I have tested my garden clay soil and find it has neutral PH and low phosphorous, and potash and very low nitrogen. What kind of fertilizer should I use to improver the quality and want can I use to make…