Buying mulch and jumping worms


I need mulch for my flower gardens and wanted to buy natural cedar mulch from a Toronto garden supplier. Do I need to be concerned about infecting my garden with jumping worms?


Thank you for your inquiry. Jumping worms (Amynthas agrestis) are a concern and research is underway to help us understand the risks and solutions for the home gardener.

The short answer however, is yes, mulch could contain jumping worm eggs or cocoons.

Our recommendation at this time is to stay informed, limit the spread and support research. Ask your retailer how they source their horticultural products to help inform your decision making.

More detailed information on jumping worms is available on The Master Gardeners of Ontario website. See links below.

“…jumping worm, egg cases, cocoons can be in soil, mulch, plants, landscaping equipment, and even in the treads of shoes and tires. One cocoon or worm is enough to infect a garden.”

Leaf mulch is an excellent mulch that you can make on your own and should significantly reduce the risk of introducing jumping worms to your garden. For more on leaf mulch please see this Toronto Master Gardeners, Gardening Guide.

And of course, if jumping worms are detected on your property do not share plants or any organic materials. According to the Invasive Species Centre of Canada: “If you discover jumping worms in horticultural material such as soil, dispose of the contaminated material in a sealed plastic bag and leave this bag in direct sunlight for several days to kill any worms or cocoons. The bag can then be thrown in the garbage.”

Jumping Worm Information for Home Gardeners

For Dealing with Infestations in Your Garden

Happy gardening.