Transplanting a Beech Tree

Hello, I have a very young Beech tree growing in my backyard. It’s growing close to fence and so would like to move it to a better location. It’s about 4ft and it just started growing more leaves this spring.…

Ivory Silk lilac tree and spring freshet

Hello, I have an ivory silk tree I would like to plant closer to the lakeside. It will be at the graveside of my recently departed Newfoundland dog. The soil is very well draining and currently supports large grown oak,…

Best tree block

Hi there, I’m looking for a mix of native trees that provide a large tree block to hide new neighbors house. I live an hour north west of Toronto.…

Trees planted near house foundation

Hi, My landscaper planted a coral bark Japanese maple (Sango Kaku) and an Euonymus standard in my front lawn, about 1~2 feet away from the house foundation. I am wondering whether this could pose a threat to the house as…

Remove burlap when planting

I know I have read to cut string and pull down burlap a bit when planting… but you still have all that burlap under there interfering with roots to spread…isn’t better if I can completely remove the burlap?…

What trees you recommend for front yard in Toronto?

Hello. We have a new house in North Toronto that can benefit from two more trees on the front yard with full sun exposure. The two trees will be 25′ apart. Initially we wanted a Japanese Red Maple but think…

Emerald Cedar Branches

Hello, I purchased and planted 3 Emerald Cedar in the middle of April 2020 (Toronto). I used a mix of soil that was removed from the site, and nutrient dense soil. The root ball was just barely covered, leaving an…