Rose rosette disease

Hello, This is a 2 year’s old pink knock out rose. Growing in part sun (4 hours) raised bed in zone 5. There are 2 canes out of 5 that are bright red with some narrow, curled down leaves. photo…

Early rose budding 2024- when to prune?

Hi there, I noticed my rose bushes and apple trees have started budding (Feb 26, 2024). This is 1-2 months earlier than usual, presumably due to our El Niño winter. Normally I’d prune my roses when the buds start popping…

Hardy Roses

Hi, Can you please give me names of rose bushes that can stand Canadian winters, and are 4-6 feet in height and have a good resistance to disease. Thanks.…

Replacement rose

I have contacted several large nurseries and searched and searched, looking to replace a dear friend’s Helmut Schmidt rose. Any advice on where I can go to? Thank you in advance.…

Pruning in the Fall – New Dawn climbing rose

I planted 4 climbing New Dawn roses on my front arbour in late Spring. I had some blooms and some weaker stems with no buds. Do I cut them all down this fall or just the weak ones or none??…

Rose Hedge

I would like to grow a hedge on a chain link fence (not yet installed) on my southwest-facing corner lot in the Parkdale area of Toronto, with the long stretch on the west. The corner has almost full sun. The…

Rose Bush not Flowering Anymore

I have a rose bush that was my aunts that I transplanted to my property 17 years ago. It is over 65 years old. In the last 3 years it has not produced anymore fragrant red roses. There are these…

Overwintering Container Rosebush *

My miniature rose bush is still blooming.  It is in a container and I have brought it in to my condo from the cottage and set it in a sunny window.  What should I do to ensure it does well…

Winterizing Shrubs & Roses*

My wife and I planted 16 Rose bushes with 5 different varieties. We also have different types of shrubs. I was told to put mulch around the rose bush base up to about 10 inches. I also have a product…

Getting old rose shrub to bloom*

The front flower bed contains a very old rose shrub. It was over 6 feet tall and was hard pruned back to about 3 feet in November. How do we maintain the rose to bring it back to health/bloom?  …