How to get rid of a silver lace vine

A vigorous silver lace vine has grown on my back fence for over a decade. I am going to replace the fence and want to get rid of the vines as they require so much work to keep them under…

Attaching a Silver Lace Vine to a shed roof

Hello: I just planted a Silver Lace vine beside my shed and have it supported up the side. I would like it to grow up and over the roof at the front and was wondering what is the best support…

Mature silver lace vines

Hello, we are looking for three mature silver lace vines to plant on an arbour in our backyard. We have had these vines on the arbour for about 15 years but they died after a new fence was added. Where…

Bylaw- Vines and Property Line

My neighbour who is an absentee landlord has an out of control Silver Lace vine covering her fence and now spilling over on my fence and property. Can you please tell me what recourse I may have? She is being…

Overgrown vines *

Hello, we recently moved into our house in Parkdale (Toronto). The backyard came with several sets of pretty overgrown vines. I can identify a honeysuckle and a Virginia creeper though I believe there’s at least one other as well. I’m…