Garden Bed Creation

Hi there, My property is covered with various plants and trees which have flourished over the years except in one area. The curved garden bed (see attached file) between my patio area and my neighbour’s chain link fence hasn’t provided…

Vegetable garden soil

Should I add sand to an existing veggie garden bed? Some recommend peat moss, sheep manure and compost. What is the best ratio? What type of ingredients should I add to a new veggie bed? What is the best ratio?…

tiny red bugs

. My friend has an in home worm compost and she gave me some soil for my indoor plants I noticed these really tiny red bugs and I can not seem to find much information about them and so I…

Peat Moss and Coir Alternatives for Seed Starting?

Hello! I am excited to start vegetables from seed this winter/spring. I was wondering if a seed starting mix exists or can be made that uses neither peat moss nor coir? Coir seems like a great, sustainable alternative to peat…

Hornbeam Waterlogged?

Hey everyone, I have an area surrounded by pavers that currently has a pyramidal european hornbeam in it. Its 5b zone, very compact clay soil, minimal topsoil due to the pea gravel for the pavers and everything seems to now…

Fertilizer from a friend –

Hi! A friend gave me a container of 10-52-10 by BioFert. I don’t know much about fertilizer. I have added worm castings and cow manure. Should I use this other fertilizer? I’ve read it’s too strong and could kill plants??…

Small front southern exposure

I live on Lawrence Ave W and just replaced my retaining wall. Soil is clay and is now 9’x13′ facing south. The contractors had left stones and debris and I have tried to remove as much of these. The front…

Katsura Tree

My usually healthy and very large four-trunk Katsura tree (15+ yrs) – has been dropping shriveled dry black leaves. I sweep them from deck every day – not many (20 or so) – BUT it is very concerning. Please advise…