Cedar Planters for Berries

Hi Gardeners I am planing to move Black Raspberries as well as Strawberries and Raspberries from the ground to cedar planters as we are having landscape done and I want them localized. How do i determine the appropriate size of…

Replacing City trees that have died

Hi. As you know the City of Toronto plants a tree in every front yard. My brother had a 60+’ high Little Leaf Linden that died in his small front yard. Since it was a city tree the city cut…

My Ficus is not doing well

My Ficus has not been doing well for about a month now. I understand they are finnicky and it might be due to the change in season. I initially had the ficus in my bedroom, which does not receive a…

Raising soil level and how tree roots react

Hi. The Japanese Upright Yews and Pyramidal Cedars I planted years ago are now an 18’ tall ‘forest’ that reaches more than 15’ out from the fence. This created a ‘forest floor’ where no plants grow even with mottled light…


I live near Lake Ontario with a small yard with large tree.  There is a raised garden against the back fence. Have never been able to establish plants for any period of time except a burning bush. A lilac bush…

Early blooming perennials

Hi there, I would like to plant some perennials that will bloom in the spring, but I don’t know much about gardening! I know that poppies are beautiful, but I’m wondering if there’s any other plants that are relatively low…

Growing balloon flowers from seed

I have successfully grown very small balloon flowers from seed and wonder if I bring them in during the winter or leave them outside…,they are in a flower box with a good depth of earth…

Dying Olive plant

I inherited this young olive tree plant from a friend in September 2022. For 6 months it sat in a Southeast facing window. For a while it did okay, but then started to wilt. I think I was over watering…

Preparing new garden bed

I am planning to create a new garden bed near the foundation of my house. Should I remove the existing soil and if so, to what depth? I think I should lay down landscaping paper and would like to know…