What ate my plants

I was wondering what might have eaten my plant. How should I prevent the problem? Thank you .…

squirrel decimating crabapple

Hi. I have a large old crab apple in the front yard. Normally it is covered in pink blossoms in the spring. This year it had maybe 10 blossoms. What would be the cause of not flowering at all? Then…

Lilac bush – bark under squirrel attack?

We’re in Willowdale – Yonge/Sheppard area – We’ve lived here 25 years and the lilac predates us. This year, for the first time, its bark has been attacked – quite severely. We caught squirrels in April/May munching away at some…

Snipping of Evergreen Branches

After a two week vacation I found this amount of evergreen twigs and leaves on my deck in Toronto (see picture attached). The evergreen shield I have between houses is being destroyed. When I look up into the trees I…

Hosta leaves have holes*

I live in the Annex neighborhood of Toronto. I have clay soil and lots of happy hostas. But some of my blue hostas have holes in some of their leaves, year after year. These particular hostas are growing under the…