Transplanting/Moving Plants to our new home

Hello We are moving from Brampton to Elora Ontario in October. We want to take some plants to our new home, such as hostas, black eyed Susan’s and maybe some others. We are wondering what the best way to do…

Prepping a shrub rootball for spring moving

Hi. I have two medium/large honeysuckles and a very large mugo pine that I’d like to dig up and relocate. I’d heard that it’s best to cut down into the roots at the canopy drip line in the fall… then…

Timing for planting Magnolia tree

Hi, I have a spot in my garden where I would like to plant a saucer hybrid magnolia. Is it OK to plant now in the fall, or am I better off waiting until Spring?…

Japanese ivory lilac transplant shock

I have a Japanese ivory lilac plant that I transplanted 3 months back, it is about 4 feet tall. It is present in my front yard with full sun 6 to 8 hrs. I have been watering 2 to 3…

Tuberosa asclepias planting time

Hello, You were so helpful identifying an elderberry tree for me that I’m going to ask you another question. [Couldn’t find it in the Find It Here section.] I want to give a friend a tuberosa asclepias to plant now…

Morning Glory Seedlings

Hello, I sowed morning glory seeds and most of them have successfully geminated. Now that we had heavy rain or storm, some of the leaves got slightly damaged probably by slugs… *Are they still okay? Should I eliminate those leaves…

calycanthus floridus propagate

We have an old (>20 yrs) calycanthus floridus thriving in our yard in part shade. We removed the front yard lawn and planted a native pollinator garden and would like to add a specimen as part of the planting design.…

Lilac shrub root-bound and not growing

I have a lilac bush in a container. whicvh i had planned to put into the ground this year. but it is not doing well.. the other lilacs are way ahead with their growth and leaves and flower heads forming.…


Just bought 2 potted plants of hellebores at TBG today, Apr 8th and wanted to know when is a best time to transplant them to the ground? Should I do it now or later? If later, should I keep the…