Ukigumo Maple – Wilt ?

Toronto part shade/sun 4/5 foot high japanese maple planted 2016 Ugi Gumo Its problem appears to be WILT. What can be done to save the tree?…

Trimming an over grown globe cedar

I have a globe cedar in my front yard. It was planted six years ago. At that time I was told that I was already 5 year old by the land scraper. Over the years my husband trimmed it a…

Vine Maple

I live in Etobicoke, and bought a small shrub tree called “Vine Maple” (its current height is about 5 ft). My questions are: Will it do well in our hot summers, given that some summers we do not get a…

Unhappy Jade Plant

I have an unhappy Jade plant that I inherited from a friend.  It’s losing leaves.  It’s in a sunny window.  There is a heating source nearby.  It gets watered about once every two weeks with a quarter cup of water.  …

Evergreen Tree Browning *

Hi there, I have two large trees (spruce?) in the backyard that have quickly turned brown from the inside out, bottom to top. Is there anything I can do?  …

Summersweet: How To Grow Clethra Alnifolia *

Dear Sir or Madam: I bought 3 summersweets from Humber,Hwy 50 3 weeks ago. I planted as instructed. The flowers look brown, the green leaves are looking dry. Other than watering these plants, is there anything I can do to…

Fertilizing Container Vegetables *

I’m experimenting with growing vegetables in containers this year – tomatoes, sweet peppers, lemon cucumbers, scarlet runner beans. I made my own potting soil using peat moss, perlite, and a little pit of compost along with some slow release fertilizers…

Acer Palmatum Bloodgood Japanese Maple Tree*

I recently planted a bloodgood Japanese maple tree in my backyard …the tree has now begin showing signs of curly dried up leaves….what could be possible wrong? I do have afternoon sun …possibly over 6 hrs..existing soil is a combination…

My newly-planted yew trees are turning yellow !*

About a month ago we planted a row of 6 yew trees,  in the backyard, about 12″ apart, and in a very shady area. We live in the High Park area of Toronto, which has a very sandy, oak savannah…