Blue spruce

My blue spruce is 3 years old.  I noticed it has grown but there is thin growth on the inside of the tree – you can see the branches and trunk very well.  Is this tree lacking something?…

Tomato plants

Hi I was wondering how often I should water my tomato plants in my garden in this extreme heat ? They have been in the ground for about a week now Also I have a couple tomatoes in planters 16×14…

Potted 4f Emerald Cedars

Hello, I planted 4f emerald cedars in pots 2weeks who and top is getting brown. I water them 2x. Wow am getting concerned and I do not know what to do. I used potting soil, loosen roots, pat the solid…

Tomato plants leaves turning yellow

I can’t figure out my the leaves on my tomatoes on turning yellow The plants are in a pretty sunny part of my yard, they are in pots, with potting soil. I tried cutting off the yellow leaves, but then…

Wilting during hardening off

I live in the Bronte area of Oakville and have started a veggie garden. My plants have grown quite a bit under the grow light I have but I’m worried about this hardening process. I’ve watered on average every other…

Disease on indoor herbs

In trying to grow indoor herbs, we find that they are under attack from some disease. The leaves brown and then die. We have fungus gnats in the soil. Hydrogen peroxide doesn’t seem to eradicate them, even after repeated use.…

Polka dot plant dying

Bought a polka dot plant a couple months ago. Over the past month the leaves have been turning brown and falling off. I’ve been watering regularly, keeping the soil moist and using a humidifier when possible, but I can’t maintain…

Indoor Hibiscus

Hello, I’ve got 30 year old hibiscus plants.  In recent years they appear to be very healthy (lot of green leaves) but rarely a flower.  I rarely fertilize.  They spend the summer months in the outdoors though protected from direct…


Our onion and leek crop failed this year. Garlic was great. We are in south western Ontario. They are grown in full sun. Crops are rotated. Garden is watered occasionally when very dry. Soil is loam. Both were replanted once.…