Overwintering container lavender

I have a Munstead lavender plant in a container on my north facing balcony in Toronto ON, which has done really well this summer and I wanted to bring it indoors for the winter. I don’t get any direct sunlight…

Elderberry bush

How to prune and still have blooms next season? It is about 4 years old only bloomed this spring. There were no fruit, only blooms. It gets sun. It is crowding out other plants.…

Watering winterized roses

Hello, I keep seeing that potted roses still need to be watered in winter if they dry out? I am wondering a few things and am hoping I might get a answer here: 1) Is the snow not enough to…

Grafted fruit tree surviving winter in planter

Hello, I have recently purchased a grafted fruit tree. The base is a pear tree with a mix of plum, peach, nectarine and other stone fruit grafted on each branch. I purchased the tree from a farm and they said…

Evergreen climbing plant for balcony

I am looking for an evergreen climbing plant that will survive Toronto winters on a north facing balcony. However, I completely understand this might not be possible with the given conditions. If that is the case, can you recommend some…

Hellebore blooming in November

A Hellebore in my garden (“Snowbells”) has started blooming in late November, and I am worried about what will happen when it gets colder and it snows (again). I planted the Hellebore in July. It is in a small, backyard…

Covering hedges for winter

We replaced our hedges with Inkbox Gemberry Holly bushes to replace our boxwood. We were told that they would need to be covered in winter. When should we cover our Holly bushes?…

Overwintering a large gardenia

Hi, I have a large gardenia in a container that I imagine I need to bring it in for the winter? It still has buds waiting to bloom (Oct. 31) but with the cold temperatures, I’m not sure what to…

Growing Trees

Hi! I have some tree saplings that I’m starting in containers with the intention of transplanting to viable sites when they are a little older and stronger. How do I protect them in the winter? Particularly, should I be worried…