Covering Cedar Hedge

Hi, I was wondering when should I cover my established cedar hedge. Is it just before the first frost I should do it, or when is the best time. I have heard to do it in the fall but that…

Perennial Garden on Balcony

I live on the 11th floor in a condo in Brampton facing South .There is another building partially in front of mine . I do receive sun from the west and east. I live in Brampton. Two years ago I…

Insulating round pots

I was told that to overwinter perennials in pots, I should insulate the inside of my pots with 1″ styrofoam. However, how could I do this with a round pot, since those insulation sheets aren’t flexible? Do you recommend a…

A Fig Tree

I would appreciate an answer as to why, my fig tree becomes laden with figs in late august, and never gets to ripen, while waiting it gets cold and all the figs are frozen. This happens each year. Thank you…

Overwintering Fig Trees

A friend has fig trees in pots and puts them in his garage over winter. His garage is attached to his house. Would fig trees survive a Scarborough winter in a detached garage?…

Ajuga – will it survive Zone 3 winter?

I am wondering if Ajuga would winter in Central Alberta I believe we are Zone 3. Looking for plants to fill a shaded dry bed. Seldom gets rain , so plants are watered. Lily of the Valley growing, but would…

Overwintering apple tree seedling/sapling

Hello all, I’ve tried doing google searches for an answer to my question but have found highly different responses so thought I would ask my question here given the folks responding here are in my area. I live in Toronto…

Boxwood hedge

We are a condo building in New Market where the developer planted a boxwood hedge along the sidewalk and driveway. Both are heavily salted or using a salt substitute. The hedge is now almost completely brown. We are being asked…

Please Help Identify this Plant

I’d like to know what is the name of the plant with the red leaf. This is part of an arrangement at Bay and Dundas. The plant produce a wonderful fragrance when ever I pass by.…

Care of Small Citrus Plants

Have had such great success in the past, but last few seem to have an abundance of fruit when very small,  and present one has lost all its leaves with 4 oranges remaining. Finally cut off oranges, and have used…