Alternative to hicks yew*

Want to plant a hedge using hicks yew which would suit conditions, ie (shaded area, well drained soil and formal looking in guelph) but I noticed that berries are poisonous. ..oops I have dogs and grandchildren…can u suggest an alternative…

Transplanting Field Cut Burlap Bagged Hicksii Yews*

I live in Oakville and planted some field cut burlap bagged yews that I would like to move to another location. Some were planted in August 2013 and some in August 2014. Would they be okay to transplant anytime/or a…

Yews Grown in Containers

Hi, I live in downtown Toronto. I’m wondering if Hicks Yew can be grown and withstand winter in a free standing planter? The location is a mix of sun and shade.…

Yew or Beech for Hedging?

Good morning, I want to plant a hedge under the dining room window to provide some screening (pic included): Target final height 7′ / 8′ Bed width 2′-6″ Total length 14′ Drip line for watering N exposure, top soil, 2-3…

Boxwood and pruning other flowers, trees and shrubs

I would like to know if there us a basic schedule to follow for  pruning the following: Hydrangea (limelight and annabelle), Weigela, Hosta, Rose of Sharon, Hicks Yew and Perennial flowers? All in fall or spring.  Trying to streamline. I…

Narrow and Tall Privacy Screen

We live in Winnipeg, zone 3, with a small yard, and 3 foot space to plant a privacy screen along a 50 foot wood fence. There have been drainage problems in our yard, and last year we had some landscaping…


  Hi. My yard is a typical small to medium city of Toronto yard. I live about a block north of Lake Ontario in Mimico (part of Etobicoke), in an area that was once marsh land. The soil is heavily…

Plants for a hedge*

Hello, We bought a house in one of Boston, MA suburbs. We’d like to have a hedge (about 6-7 feet tall, full sun) in front of the house to reduce the traffic noise and to have more privacy. The perimeter…