Hello, I am looking to grow and train a vine for a privacy screen between yards along the top of existing fences. I currently have 30ft of engelmens ivy that is trained along my back fence (photo attached). It is…

Native Plants for Shade: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Use of Native plants in the garden has become more important to gardeners as we consider climate change and a need for more biodiversity. Plants are Native or Indigenous to a region if they have originated and are naturally occurring…

Help! What’s the best pergola vine for shade?

Our backyard faces west full-sun. We had a grapevine over our pergola when we moved into the house. It brought many raccoons and wasps and we weren’t sad when it died. We decided to grow Boston Ivy over the pergola…

Mandevilla competition

Hello, I’ve been growing Mandevilla on my south-facing, mid-town Toronto balcony for five or six years now, and am curious about the following: Most summers when I have grown the Mandevilla by itself in a pot (starting it as a…

Privacy Hedging

Hi I read through previous posts but couldn’t find an answer for my specific situation. I am looking for some advice regarding privacy hedges/vines. We have some mature spruces that were limbed up but was looking for something to cover…

Balcony Geraniums

Where can I purchase these plants in Ontario.  I used to get them from Plant World until they closed down.  I can’t find anyone who carries the true Balcony Geranium with the long trailing habit much longer than the regular…

Spider Webs on Plants

Hi, a few weeks ago, I asked this question: I have a very shady front garden in central Toronto. In recent years, my hydrangeas have been attacked by what I think are spiders (I’ve never actually seen them) that make…

spider webs on perennials

I have a very shady front garden in central Toronto. In recent years, my hydrangeas have been attacked by what I think are spiders (I’ve never actually seen them) that make webs inside the hydrangea leaves so that the leaves…