Transplanting bulbs

Hi there, I am in zone 6b and have a clay soil. This year I had many diseases present in the garden, botrytis, blight, powdery mildew, maybe downy mildew etc. I am planning to plant tulips, daffodils, muscari, iris reticulata…

Planting Bulbs in Containers for Spring Transplant

Dear Master Gardener, I need to plant (add) more tulips, daffodils and hyacinths to my current in ground garden, to make the display more fuller in the Spring but I don’t know exactly where these bulbs are in the garden.…


Hello, I understand snowdrops should be planted early, mid-September I am reading, but we are having such a heat wave (relatively) that I’m wondering is it too warm to plant them , or actually any of my spring blooming bulbs?…

Daffodil Varieties

hello Last spring my narcissus Carlton bloomed ,then no other daffodils bloomed until a few Narcissus Cheerfulness. Can you suggest a daffodil that will bloom in between Carlton and the later daffodils? Also a gardening book I am reading talks…


I have an Amarylis that has only one leaf. How to I get it to produce more and to rebloom.…

Calla Lillies

I planted 6 calla lily bulbs in 2 pots a year ago and had a profusion of flowers. I over-wintered the bulbs in the same pot and this year I had 1 flower instead of 50 but lovely foliage. What…

Partial Shade Alliums

I would like to plant a type of alliums that are colourful (a mix of colours would be great!) minimum maintenance, perennials, like shade to partial shade (my front yard faces west with a large shady tree so it gets…

Saving daffodil and tulip bulbs.

Last winter I planted daffodil and tulip bulbs in pots and overwintered them in my shed. This spring they bloomed nicely. I’ve removed the spent bulbs with foliage attached from the pots. Now what should I do, please?…

Spring bulb identification

Photo April 27, Don Mills, in my rockery. sunny leaves like a crocus. red flower, very short stem. One flower per stem. Flower about 2.5 in across. It came up for the first time this year, beside tulips and sedum…