Winterizing calla lily bulbs


I live in East Scarborough. A friend said to make sure all the dirt is brushed off the bulbs and to store in a dry, cool place in a paper bag. Just wondering if I need to pinch all the roots off?


Thanks for your question about caring for you calla lily bulbs over winter.

Your friend has given you good advice, and it’s what I did for my callas last winter.

You don’t need to cut off the roots, but you can if you like.  Before you store them let them dry off for 4-5 days (or even a week) in a warmish place to “cure” them.  If the place you plan to store them over the winter (at about 10 degrees Celsius) is a humid environment, you might place some shredded paper or wood shavings or even shredded dry leaves in the bag to absorb moisture.  See the below link for a description of winter care.

Calla Lily Winter Care [gardeningknowhow]