Brown cedar tree needles

My cedar started to brown last year and it turned out that it was most likely because it was sitting on a very thin layer of soil with clay underneath. I redug the hole to make it larger and since…

Emerald cedar overgrown

Hello: I planted this tree ( I think it is an emerald cedar? In my back yard several years ago, and not knowing how to maintain it, now it is extremely overgrown. If I don’t want to remove it, can…

Half 20 year old Emerald Cedar browning

We have an row of 6 Pyramidal Emerald Cedars, about 10 feet high. The one at the end has 2 stems, one is browning the other is green. Suggestions what I can do to bring the browning one back?…

Damaged Cedar Trees

Spring 2021, I saw some foliage of one Cedar Tree that came off one branch of the Cedar tree. Then in January 2022, I noticed on ground next to the same Cedar tree A LOT of cedar tree foliage that…

Emerald Cedars

13 year old cedars. Fertilized twice per year with irrigation. I have looked mites, spiders and do not see any (including webs). Can you help me?…

Emerald cedar

Would you recommend an emerald cedar to be planted in the garden near the entrance to our front door…

Emerald Cedar Trees

Hi, I have a massive spider mite infestation around 20 emerald cedar trees that I planted. How do I get rid of them?…

Webs at the tops of emerald cedar hedge

I live Near Bayview ave and Sheppard ave. 6 years ago we planted an emerald cedar hedge which is doing very well. However, this summer I noticed a silky web growing at the tops of the cedars. I sprayed Bug…