Plantings surrounding a Catch Basin

Good morning, my question is that I have a catch Basin in my backyard. Recently, we have removed grass to make flower beds. Can you please make some suggestions for me what to plant around the catch basin so that…

ground cover

Hi, I have a large piece of land at the bottom of my backyard that won’t grow anything. It is very shady, on a slope so it is prone to being waterlogged, and the soil is clay. Could you please…

Suggested plants to replace backyard lawn in North York

Hello, we are looking at alternative plants for our lawn. We have replaced our grassed lawn three times with new earth and sod. It went dormant 1.5 years ago after a summer heat. Initially there was thatch and some weeds…

Gardening with Native Shrubs: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Shrubs in the garden landscape Although shrubs may be somewhat “overshadowed” by their taller and more charismatic tree cousins, their size and multi-branching habit make them the unsung heroes of the garden, valuable for both their variety and versatility. In…

My thyme doesn’t look good

Hello, I planted thyme beside the driveway in 2019. Although I did not do anything for overwintering, it came back and even became larger with pretty flowers last summer. Now it doesn’t look growing but I’m not sure if it’s…

Ground cover

I want to consider ice plant as ground cover. I would like to know if it is good idea for Toronto weather and any pros and cons. Thank you very much. Do you know anything about growing Turkish Veronica in…

Delosperma Species – Yellow Ice Plant

I just read about Yellow Ice Plant.  I read they grow in California. I read that it can live in zone 3-9.  My question is – do you think it will be ok to plant it in Toronto? Any other…

Groundcover for Gap Between Fences

I have an 8 inch gap between my fence and my neighbours’ fence that runs along the property line. I would like to use a ground cover that is low maintenance to avoid having to maintain any plants or tend…

Low Ground Cover in Full Afternoon Sun

Hello I am looking for a low , ( 12 inch or under ) light green maybe silverish , hardy , perrenial ground cover that can take full afternoon sun . We planted a sedum last year and they all…