Something is eating the leaves of my rodgersia. It is eating large chunks of the leaves and leaving the stems. I have searched for slugs or caterpillars but haven’t found any. Do you have any ideas?…
My indoor Palm plant about -2” high developed a shiny sticky substance on the tops of some of its leaves. Up close looks whitish. The undersides look ok. Can I save this plant that I started as a baby.…
The vegetable plants in the ground and in the post are completely eaten. I have sprayed them with the soap insectiside Bug be Gon to no effect. The leaves are completely eaten and even the stalks. I examined the leaves…
Hi there,
– full sun balcony and container garden
– large planter with three dahlia tubers that should grow around 2 ft tall
– watering every other day with drip irrigation
One of the three Dahlias has stunted…
This the addition to the first post I did earlier today, when I took a closer look, still didn’t see insect, but noticed the leaves are eaten too.
I live in Toronto, 4 years ago I planted a trumpet vine,…
Thank you for dedicating your time.
I just bought this plant as it was and what I didn’t notice at first place, it’s full of tiny spots on the leaves and the stalk. The leaves are not loose but they…