Overseeding Established Old Lawn

Hi and thank you for this resource and helping home owners. I have 3/4th of my backyard with established thin lawn and 1/4 badly weedy and bare patches. I have seeded and applied starter fertilizer and by July mid it…

Problems with grass

To Whom It May Concern; I am having trouble with my lawn. We woke up one day to dead grass. (See pictures). My husband fertilized our lawn. I’m just wondering if that could be the problem and or what can…

Acidic soil perennials and other questions

Hello, I need recommendations for the following plants: 1. Flowering perennials to grow in acidic soil conditions. I already have hydrangeas. 2. Indoor airy focal plants for planters 3. Unique plants that would drape down in an indoor planter 4.…

Soil condition

I live in North Toronto near Eglinton Park, which used to be a brick yard. The soil in our backyard is clay. We have a number of trees shading the garden and we are the lowest yard so we get…

Lawn Problem

We’ve been in our house for 10 years and some animals started digging into my lawn late fall last year and again now. I just got some grub busters through Amazon. Please advise on the best approach on how to…

Lawn nutrition before snow cover returns

With our lawns in west Toronto temporarily green with the recent warm spell, is there anything amendments we can make before spring, for winter? It’s hard to believe but the Canada Blooms show is just 120 days away. Thank you.…

Leaves from chemically treated lawns

I’ve been sheet mulching (cardboard then soil) a few flower beds for spring on/over parts of my front lawn. I want to further cover them with fallen leaves but I’m finding myself a bit low on leaves this year (we…