Help with plant identification please

This is something that showed up uninvited (as best we can tell) in our backyard garden on the east bank of the Humber fairly early this spring, By now (mid-July) it is 5=6 feet tall. PictureThis and PlantID both claim…

Mulberry Sucker

When I first planted my mulberry I didn’t know you were supposed to cut off new shoots. I now have a sucker that has taken over my weeping mulberry and is a huge tree. It produces large amounts of fruit…

Planting a new Mulberry tree

Hello there, and thanks for offering this online resource for information. I’m quite new to tree planting, and was wondering if I could pick someone’s brain for some information before putting a newly purchased (today, as of writing this), Mulberry…

Which tree is this?*

Hi everyone! After spending hours on the Net, I still can’t ID this tree in our backyard. It’s next to our very old pines and am concerned that that it will damage them. I’ve added a photo of some leaves.…

Mulberry Tree next to a Norway Maple*

Hello, I have a small mulberry tree (maybe 20ft) next to a much older norway maple. I’m a little concerned about them being so close together. Is this a problem? Do I need to choose one? I’d remove the mulberry…

Mulberry tree trimming*

I have two 25 year old mulberry trees in the front garden at the door entrance.  They are blocking the front doorway now and I’d like to know if I can trim them down to the trunk to start over. …