Shade Loving Tree

Hello, We have a small Toronto backyard and want to grow something tall to block and unattractive apartment building beside us. The area does not receive a lot of the sun. I’ve attached a picture to help with the visualization.…

Quick Privacy Hedge

Hi there, I live in Toronto and wanted to plant a quick privacy hedge in container(s) (I live in a condo so it’s an urban garden). I have tried emerald cedars and they worked great for the first 2 years;…

Landscaping/Creating Privacy in Clay Soil

I live in a 10 year old subdivision 90 min N- E of Toronto. (50 km North of Lake Ontario).  The back yard faces the West and is approx 60′ wide X 30′ deep. (width goes along back of house…

Backyard Privacy Trees

We live in north Toronto and with big new builds behind us we have no privacy. We face south but limited sun due to 2 100ft trees either side of property. So old they have limited branches and no privacy.…

Privacy Hedge

I live in Vaughan Ontario. My Backyard is approx. 25′ wide x 45′ deep. I would like to plant along the fence to provide privacy. Are Arborvitae a good option? What else might work? I’m hoping that I can have…

Tall Coniferous Trees for Privacy

This spring we are getting rid of an extremely tall 30+feet Juniper that is weak, scraggly and quite past its expiry date. Unfortunately when it goes, so will our privacy. There is a 40-foot section of fence that it stands…

Morning glories*

I live in Etobicoke and every year plant 50 Morning Glory plants along my fence. I am situated on a corner lot, north side of the street so they get plenty of sun facing south + sandy soil. Please advise…