Choosing Dwarf Evergreens

Hi, I was wondering if you could recommend a slow growing evergreen tree for my front lawn. I live in Toronto where my house faces north. I am redoing my front lawn/driveway and am trying to decide what to plant.…

Japanese Weeping Maple Tree*

Toronto Master Gardeners Re: Japanese weeping maple tree I have two Japanese weeping maple trees is my garden, a red one and a green one. The red maple is about 15 years old. It is about 7 feet high with…

Planting a Copper Beech Tree*

I planted a Copper Beech purchased at a local nursery two weeks ago. I have planted hundreds of trees, so I have some experience digging holes , adding triple mix to the soil, and planting. This tree seemed fine until…

Heptacodium miconioides – Seven Son Flower*

I read about this plant in a Marjorie Harris article and on Paul’s Plant Picks on this website. Do you know where I would find it in Toronto? I have been searching for an interesting small tree for some time…

Syringa reticulata ‘ivory silk’*

My syringa reticulate “Ivory silk tree has dead branches & wilted leaves. Could this be verticillium wilt? If so, how would I treat it? We are having a very dry summer so is it possible that it needs a good…

Pagoda dogwood*

I think it has golden canker- I will trim but is there a spray ?…

Weed Identification – East York*

Trying to get some help in identifying this weed. It comes up every year. It grows everywhere. When it grows in the lawn it looks like a tree sapling. Anyhow, when you touch its leaves, an unpleasant musty smell remains…

Cedar Not Doing Well*

Hi there, I have a small cedar at the front of the house. Planted a year ago. It is slowly going brown in the front centre and its expanding. It’s getting enough water. What can I do about this?  …