Fruit Tree Spray*

Have been using Wilson’s fruit tree spray-no longer available-what can be used as an alternative for apple & pear trees? Thanks, Hugh…

Mulberry Tree next to a Norway Maple*

Hello, I have a small mulberry tree (maybe 20ft) next to a much older norway maple. I’m a little concerned about them being so close together. Is this a problem? Do I need to choose one? I’d remove the mulberry…

Grapes and dwarf fruit varieties*

I am looking for varieties of fruits to plant in my garden. would you be able to tell me the good varieties (names) for each fruit that I have given below. I live in Northern Scarborough. (I am NOT asking…

Prunus ‘Kanzan’*

1. Can I plant a prunus Kwanzan tree by a Roberson ? 2. Can a prunus Kwanzan be planted by rejoinder bush…

planting under black walnut*

I understand redbud can be planted under black walnut. Can a weeping redbud work, knowing it is grafted on another type of tree, will the graft take the black walnut as well. If garden is on hill will this help…

Zelkova, Hackberry or Honeylocust?*

Hello. I am having trouble deciding which tree to plant in my backyard. The width of my property is 55 feet, and I have plenty of open space in my backyard to plant a big tree. I’m very indecisive and…

Black Tulip Magnolia problems*

We have a Monrovia Black Tulip Magnolia, now about 5 years old. The first couple of years it bloomed as promised. More recently it has started to bloom in the late summer/ fall as well as the spring. Most of…

Help with a smoke bush*

Hi there my wife and I bought a home and inherited a 12 foot smoke tree, I know that it needs to be pruned to improve its general form but don’t know where to start. I’ve read online that it…

Cedar Trees*

We have some 30 year old Cedar Trees in our garden.  They are 25-30 ft high.  We have lopped off the top 18″ of these trees.  Did we make a mistake?  Our intention was to encourage them to spread out…

Trees for small spaces*

I have built flower boxes, using stone, that follow the steps at grade leading to my backyard at the side of my house.  I have 5 flower boxes in all. The first two are 3.5 x 3.5 feet square. The…