
We’re finding ticks any time we’re over 4 degrees. Do you see anything wrong with moving most of our pruning to the late winter? Obviously every shrub and tree have their own best times for pruning, as do perennials, and…

New garden in Toronto

Hi TMG I’m new in Toronto n have an abandoned backyard N a tiny front lawn It’s October n I want to know what should I plant to make my place look welcoming But it should be easy to handle…

Garden mulching, composting and landscape fabrics

I’ve been weeding, reducing certain plants and shrubs and planting new ones. I intend to lay down compost and mulch. My questions: -Do you recommend using landscape fabric, or does it prevent perennials (and spring bulbs) from coming up? I…

Transplant fertilizer

I have just transplanted some perennials. Given that it is the end of August, is it too late to use transplant liquid? Also, should I wait until spring to use evergreen fertilizer or can I fertilize now?…

New gardener

Hello, I am new to gardening. Just started last year with lavender, asiatic lilies and hydrangeas(my favorite). This year I got floribunda rose tree, bee balm, some hostas. I want to learn more and grow more perennials that bloom flowers.…

Fully shaded garden

My neighbour has put up a 12 emerald cedars 3 1/2ft in height on the west side of my front property line that will grow to 15 ft. I have a large 75 year old maple tree in the centre…

Where did the bees go?

Hello, I have noticed this year I hardly have any bees. I’m wondering if this is a Toronto-wide problem (or bigger) or if it’s just me. I haven’t changed much in my garden – still lots of perennials that they…

Insulating round pots

I was told that to overwinter perennials in pots, I should insulate the inside of my pots with 1″ styrofoam. However, how could I do this with a round pot, since those insulation sheets aren’t flexible? Do you recommend a…

Growing Ferns

I need 100 ferns for August 2nd for my daughters wedding and I was wondering if you can give me some advice on the best way to grow them and what type of ferns would be the best option .…