Growing Ferns


I need 100 ferns for August 2nd for my daughters wedding and I was wondering if you can give me some advice on the best way to grow them and what type of ferns would be the best option . I would like to be able to plant them in my gardens after the wedding so preferably perennials would be optional. If I can not grow them where should I look at buying them?

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide me.


Thanks for getting in touch with Toronto Master Gardeners. If you have some ferns already you can increase the number by dividing them. The other method for growing ferns involves propagating them from their spores. Fern spores are the tiny genetic bases for new plants. They are found contained in a casing, on the underside of the leaves. Spores look like little dots and may be harvested for fern spore propagation. This process involves skill and it may take as long as a year to produce ferns. Therefore it’s not a realistic answer for you.
Toronto Master Gardeners does not recommend businesses that sell plants but you will find that a reputable plant nursery in your area will have them.
Please refer this Toronto Master Garden Guide to identify which fern would best the best choice for your property:

If you are interested in learning more about fern propagation please refer to the following site: