Pelargonium (Geranium): A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

The name “geranium” is often given to two members of the geranium family (Geraniaceae). However, the name really belongs to only one of them – the hardy perennial geranium, also known as a cranesbill (Geranium). The other geranium is a…

Growing Begonias Indoors: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Originating in the tropics, begonias (family Begoniaceae) are among the largest and most diversified genus of indoor plants, with over one thousand species and thousands of hybrids varying from miniature terrarium-sized plants to giants over six feet in height. Begonias…

Leaves on Garden in Spring

I listened to a gardening program that suggested leaving leaves on the garden in the fall. I have a layer of oak leaves covering most of the garden, with heavy layers near sensitive plants (rhododendron). My garden gets medium sun.…

China aster

Hi I just bought 3 pots of aster reine marguerite (white,pink and purple) from Home Depot (they still have them). I thought they are perennials because 5 years ago I bought Aster (dark purple) and it has been coming every…

New Flower Bed

I live in Brampton and my new flower bed is adjacent to the driveway facing west. It is about 3fx35f. I would like to plant perennials that are short, flowery and colorful. Could you suggest which perennials I should choose?…

Pruning a pagoda dogwood

Can I prune a pagoda dogwood now (ie in June) or do I have to wait until next spring? The perennials planted below are being badly shaded and I wanted to remove the lower branches.…

Drought tolerant flowering shrubs

Please help me with some recommendations for drought tolerant flowering shrubs for my front yard. I want something that has a pretty full canopy that extends to the ground. The point of that is to block sunlight and would eventually…

Perennial flowers colours

We live in Toronto. My mother only has flowering perennials in her garden (iris, daffodils, hyacinth, lupine, daisies, daylillies, black eyed Susan, forget me knots, peony, cone flowers). She claims that there is a colour cycle that all flowers follow.…

What is this weed and how to control it-rough cinquefoil

I live in north Toronto. This particular weed (photo attached) has spread throughout my large naturalized garden and also the lawn. It seems to thrive on shade and hiding amongst perennials. It starts as a low whorl of stems with…