Clematis leaves dry up

My Clematis leave all dried up? What might have caused the problem. Will this spread to other plants such as lily? What kind of soil is good for clematis. I added some wood ash to the soil, is woo-dash good…

Yellowing delphinium leaves

Last week I bought a large and very vigorous-looking delphinium. The pot ‘s diameter and depth are both 85 cm. / 8.5 inches. It’s about to bloom in a burgundy colour. The leaves are strong with a dark green colour.…

Disease in an old Prunus shrub

I am asking about disease in an old shrub 8 ft tall, identified on Picture This and on I Naturalist as Prunus, or Plum Cherry. It had prolific white blooms on either side of and close to the stems this…

Sick Tree in Back Yard

We have a tree in our mostly sunny backyard in the Danforth area. Over the last couple of years it has started to look more and more sick. We enclose a picture of what some of the leaves are looking…

Shanghai baichoi

My Shanghai Bokchoi leaves are turning yellowing . What might cause the problem?…

Something killing our plants

There is something (blight perhaps?) killing our well established backyard plants. There appears to be small bugs all over our Mandarin honeysuckle but it is still doing ok, but the lilac bush beside it barely came back this year ans…

Leaf Spots on Houseplant Leaf

Hello, Some brown leaf spots have started to appear on the leaves of my houseplant. It is a syngonium growing near an east-facing window. Any idea what’s causing this and what I can do to stop the problem and treat…

Rhododendron Spotted Leaves

Hello, There is a very old rhododendron in my backyard. It is located near a pagoda dogwood, an eastern redbud and several evergreen shrubs. The soil is sandy and acidic. The area is well sheltered from strong winds. I have…

Cactus with a yellowing base

HI There, I was given this cactus about 4 years ago and have done my best to care for it but I am very limited in my knowledge about plants. I try not to water too much (once a month…