Fig Tree Maintenance in Toronto*

  I was lucky enough to buy a house with a mature fig tree, but had no chance to inquire about maintenance. Noticed some pictures with burlap wrapping in winter and some heavy pruning on old and new branches as…

Planting Raspberries in Toronto*

When is the best time to plant new raspberry plants in Toronto? Also what kind of fertilizer and when should it be applied to our existing raspberry patch. We had a great crop for a few years but last year’s…

Vegetable Garden and Cedar Hedge*

A cedar hedge frames my neighbor’s back yard, and my vegetable garden runs down the property line, in full sun. My garden is 20+ years old and the cedar was planted three seasons ago. I have read that cedar will…

Riverdale Hub – Rooftop Garden*

Hello, I am looking to extend the growing season, as well as proactively planning for closing our rooftop garden. We currently have tomatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, and more growing in our several raised planters. We would love it if it…

Are My Cucumbers Okay?

I bought heirloom seedlings, and looking at the attached photos it looks like the main stem has a webbing as well as the baby and adult cucumbers. I am not sure if this is a disease, or just less resistant…

Vegetable garden – where are the pollinators?

I’ve got a variety of edibles, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and beans, all but some of the tomatoes in containers. They get enough sun, have good leaf growth so far. I am not seeing a lot of fruit, e.g. brandywine tomatoes…

Veggie and Plant Issues

I am adding a few pictures with 3 various problems. The spinach and collard in my vegetable garden has the same problem as I had last year. I have a box with very good organic soil. All my other vegetables…

Sun and Watermelon

Hello, Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions. 1) Is there any device I can buy that will tell me the amount of sun individual spots in my garden get (I am not home most…

Apple Tree Dying

I’m in Barrie, I have apple tree 8 years old on my back yard. This year tree produce flowers, start to grow fruit and suddenly all leaves and flowers star to dying. Fee branches are dead already. Why this happen,…

Brown Rust Spots on Bush Bean Plant

Hi there, I have a three bush bean plants growing in a container. They were initially in their own individual smaller containers but I moved them to larger pot after a while. They were extremely root bound by the time…