Horseradish root that I can plant?

I would like to plant horseradish root this year in my north Toronto garden. Can I buy the root in a grocery store and plant it or do I need to buy it elsewhere? Any idea which stores sell the…

Same vegetables in the tropics?

I’m moving from Northern Ontario to the Philippines in an area (town of Valencia) where it’s literally always 27 during the day and 24 at night year round. There’s a dry season and a rainy season. I’m wondering what can…

A Fig Tree

I would appreciate an answer as to why, my fig tree becomes laden with figs in late august, and never gets to ripen, while waiting it gets cold and all the figs are frozen. This happens each year. Thank you…

Vegetable show judging

When entering beans for a show are all types of beans considered to be just one cultivar eg. Bush, pole or Asian…

Planted Lemon Seeds in a Pot

the lemon plant is getting big. I transplanted once already to a bigger pot and the plant has been outside all summer, its getting big. My question is: can this plant be left outside in a pot during the winter.…

Grow Fruit and Veggies on Condo Balcony

Hi, My condo balcony is facing northeast and I know i’m limited to certain fruits and vegetables to grow. I want to know what I can grow in my situation thanks…

Transplanting Beets

I have a patch of beets that I planted from seed, and I need to relocate some of them, because thay are too crowded. Can I transplant them now, or should I wait until the heat wave is over?  …

Ailing Plum Tree

Hi I was wondering if you might be able to tell me what is going on with my plum tree and how I might be able to help it. From the attached pictures it seem 1/2 of it might be…

Kale Insects

I live in north Toronto. Have 8 different kinds of herbs in my backyard garden and all are doing well BUT something is eating the kale really badly. See the attached pictures. Any idea what it is and how to…

potato plants

My potato plants were doing very well, then in the past week, one by one, plants are looking like they are wilting or in desperate need of water, yet potato plants right beside them are thriving.  Within one week, half…