Planting and Harvesting Vegetables and Squirrels

This is my first season in Toronto and I am about to start a small vegetable garden. I have sown beets and I am about to plant zucchini squash starters but I am worried about the squirrels. They seem to…

Dandelion Season: Taraxacum officinale

I can’t believe I’m asking about something that was part of my Mediterranean diet, when this plant was sought during family outings, but I will ask anyway. What season does the dandelion begin to grow and end, since I want…

Planters for vegetables

I have giant wooden planters we built around the edges of our deck last year. We filled them with potting soil and grew some herbs and vegetables. I am wondering if there is anything I need to do to prep…

Container Broccoli Problem

Hi there! I just recently discovered this resource and am very impressed – thanks for all the guidance! I have just started doing some serious container gardening this year, always been interested but never had the space until now. I’ve…

Golden plum trees

Hello, Is there a nursery near north Toronto that sells golden plum trees? I am looking for a 50th anniversary gift for a lovely Italian couple who has an extensive fruit and veg garden. Thanks…

Bay Laurel

We have a Bay Laurel that has grown rapidly in our kitchen window, under a growlight. This variety grows long, straight stems and the longest is approaching 28″. Two questions: will Bay Laurel grow outside (planted in the ground) in…

Pear Tree

We live near London, Ontario.  We have a large Bosc pear tree that was already in the yard when we moved in 12 years ago.  The fruit the tree bears is deformed or has dimples with a woody piece under…

When to Plant Onion Sets?

I have a garden at the Leslie Street Allotment Gardens in Toronto. It has raised beds. Can you advise when is the earliest I could plant “onion sets”? Each year I start looking to buy the sets in late March…

Replace Six Year Old Strawberry Plants?

Hello, last year’s strawberry plants were not that productive. I believe they are an everbearing variety. They are situated in full sun. Should strawberry plants be replaced every few years. And if so, which type would you recommend for a…

Spring Planting Outdoors

Hello there- What is the best date to plant tomatoes outdoor in the soil this spring it North York, Toronto M2R 2A4?…