Tri Coloured Beech Tree *

When is the best time to trim my beech tree? it is located on the south side of my house. it is healthy just needs to be trimmed back. it is approximately 10-12 feet tall. any tips would be helpful…

Cutting back a large limb on a Magnolia tree *

The tree is large and 25 to 30 years old and is very healthy. I want to cut back a large limb on one side, because we keep bumping our heads on it when we use the path beside it.…

When to prune a Hibiscus*

I have 2 tropical hibiscus plants that I put outside in the summer and bring in the house for the winter. This summer they have been very happy and have more than doubled in size. They are each about 3…

Wisteria Tree or Vine *

Is there a difference between a wisteria vine & tree? I have been trying to find out where to purchase a tree, as I have seen pictures. Yet am always directed back to the vine. Any info would be appreciated…

Pruning a young Purple Robe Locust *

Hello, Just last summer (2015) I planted a 16′ purple robe locust in my west-facing front yard in Toronto. We fertilized and watered this plant aggressively and it has now grown to about 30′ and is really taking hold. Is…

False Spirea *

I live near Philadelphia, Pa. and have a False Spirea that blooms in August. When can I start to prune it and trim it back; it’s starting to get overgrown?.…

Pruning a Jade Plant*

Hello I have a Jade plant that is very important to me. It is an indoor plant. We do not get much sun indoors so I have been putting it out on my balcony lately. It has long hanging branches…

Pruning Smoke Bush*

Hi, I just bought a smoke bush and although it does not need pruning yet, I have been reading about it so I can care for it properly. I came across one of your guides for pruning it. It says…

Overgrown vines *

Hello, we recently moved into our house in Parkdale (Toronto). The backyard came with several sets of pretty overgrown vines. I can identify a honeysuckle and a Virginia creeper though I believe there’s at least one other as well. I’m…