Globe cedar pruned in late fall*

Against my instructions, some overzealous landscape clean up people pruned our formerly gorgeous globe cedar late last fall. Any suggestions as to how to help it rejuvenate? Thank you so much!  …

Yellowwood tree sap*

I have a 16 year old yellow wood tree that had blossoms for the first time last year. I’ve noticed it is dripping a lot of sap this week.(the squirrels are going crazy licking the branches).I don’t recall this happening…

Pruning Wisteria*

Do you know of individuals that are versed in pruning wisteria and provide the service for a fee? I have a fairly mature wisteria vine but am convinced that it is not blooming to its capacity due to poor pruning…


I have been successful in growing and blooming kalanchoe from cuttings but they grow tall. How do I make it grow shorter and compact with more branches? These are ones I planted last summer and have been sitting in my…

Purple flowering raspberry shrub*

We are in Zone 6A, Oakville, Ontario. We have clay in our yard. We have had purple flowering raspberry bushes for quite a few years and only ever had one bloom. They were planted under a silver maple, so they…

Thinning Cedar trees*

Hello. I live in Kelowna BC where it is exceeding hot and dry in the summer. Our cedar hedge is 15 years old. It has been getting thinner and thinner the last year. One end looks just fine, the other…

pruning globe cedars*

I live in Kitchener ON. 5 Globe cedars edge the front walkway but have become one & too wide & tall. they are approx 9 or 10 years old. only green on outside. can I prune them into a hedge…

Getting my wisteria to bloom*

I have had a wisteria plant for 9 years (and it was a few years old, I believe, when I planted it).  It has always been healthy i.e. lots of growth every year and green foliage.  I have only ever…

Can you prune / train a 1 yr old transplanted peach tree?*

I planted a peach tree, “Harrow Diamond”, last spring.  It’s doing well, around 9 ft high and it bore 4 peaches last year.  I’m wanting to know if i should prune it as is discussed online ( Do I need…