Small flower bed with flowers blooming from spring to autumn



I live in Toronto, and just dug out my small pond and want to make it a garden bed with flowers blooming from spring to autumn (not sure if this is realistic or just my dream!). The flower bed is under a beauty bush with plenty of sun during the day. I plan to plant some tulips. Is it possible to plant other bulbs, which will bloom during summer and autumn, in between those tulips bulbs? I heard that annuals can be planted on top of the tulips after they flower. Is it true? Do flowers from annuals last a longer time (maybe having several blooms) while that of perennials only last a week? Sorry for many questions at a time. Thank you very much.


We welcome related questions that help to focus on the specifics of the garden concern.  If your Kolkwitzia amabilis, or beautybush, does not hang to the ground with its lovely blossoming branches, you may wish to acquire some low-growing summer bulbous plants to  offer colour when the bush has finished in spring.

Yes, you may plant annuals after the tulips fade. Be aware, however, that you should let the foliage fade and turn yellow first. If there is space, plant annuals in front of the tulips to hide this phase. Begonia, caladium, may work for you. Lower sitting annuals available in garden centres now will give you colour until frost.

The height of the space under the beautybush is a consideration, but if you have more than 12 inches, consider planting perennial phlox -pink, purple, or white -; coreopsis – yellow; shasta daisy; Ice plant (Delosperma cooperi); stonecrop )sedum such as Autumn Joy, to name a few.

Also, please visit our Toronto Master Gardeners site again and select Garden Guides on the home page. You will find an article on Long and repeat blooming.