Pruning and maybe transplanting rose bush

Hi, I have a rose bush (not sure what type), it’s being stifled by my rose of sharon plants. I’d like to transplant the rose bush. It’s now October in Toronto. What’s the best time to prune and transplant the…

Best time to prune Rose of Sharon

Hi, I live in Toronto and want/need to prune my Rose of Sharon plants. They’re growing wild. It is now October (though hot this week). Am I better off to dead head and drastically prune in the coming weeks or…

Emerald cedar overgrown

Hello: I planted this tree ( I think it is an emerald cedar? In my back yard several years ago, and not knowing how to maintain it, now it is extremely overgrown. If I don’t want to remove it, can…

Elderberry bush

How to prune and still have blooms next season? It is about 4 years old only bloomed this spring. There were no fruit, only blooms. It gets sun. It is crowding out other plants.…

My Apricot Tree does not produce fruits

Hello For the last 6 years, my apricot tree has not produced any fruit. Though it had white flowers a number of times. Is it because of pollination? The tree is green and healthy and no obvious sign of any…

Rose of Sharon in full bloom – when to cut back?

My ROS this year has done really well. ( lots rain and afternoon sun ) The flowers are in full bloom. The bush has become quite big, and I find the branches become droopy after strong winds and heavy rain.…

Hard Pruning Large Overgrown Lilac shrub/tree

Hello I understand that it’s possible to rejuvenate old lilacs by hard pruning them to about 8″ from the ground. I read that the best time to do this is March/April – before the growing season begins. I’m sure this…

I don’t know what to do with this hydrangea…

I first planted this hydrangea with flowers possibly 2014 (not full sun), then I transferred the plant to other place (not full sun) in 2018.  Since then I have never seen flowers… if there was, only one or two flowers…

Annabelle Hydrangea

My Annabelle hydrangea is drastically over growing our sidewalk, impeding strollers/prams etc.  Can I just hack it back to a more reasonable size now (in full glorious bloom), or do I have to wait until late fall/winter?  With all the…