Please Help Identify this Plant


I’d like to know what is the name of the plant with the red leaf. This is part of an arrangement at Bay and Dundas. The plant produce a wonderful fragrance when ever I pass by.


The red leafed plant at the centre of the arrangement is eucalyptus.  Eucalyptus does emit a beautiful fragrance.   The evergreens and narrow-leaved peppermint (Eucalyptus radiata) within the arrangement are also fragrant, so it is difficult to tell from the photo if the wonderful scent you are describing is entirely from the eucalyptus, or a blend of plant material.

The red colour is not natural to eucalyptus.  It appears that the dried plant has been dyed or spray-painted red. Also, the plant materials have been cut for the arrangement and are not growing. Neither of the eucalyptus varieties within the arrangement will grow in our climate.

It is observant of you to take note of the arrangement’s fragrance, which adds another layer of interest to any container.  I hope that this provides you with what you need and perhaps you’ll be inspired to add this fragrant plant material to your containers.

Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners.