hydrangea tree prunning?


tree was planted August 2014 by a friend in honor of my husbands passing two months prior. This tree has lots of sentimental value and I am desperate to see it bloom again. It Was prunned slightly each year in the spring. The prunning was only done a bit each time to use as indoor decor. This year the old flowers are still there but have not seen new buds. Should i have prunned it in the fall last year? I understood that they need never have to be prunned and they would still flower. Should i prune them now? Is it still to early in the season to expect new buds? I live in montreal and it is in a sunny zone, earth type dont know. It has flourished for past three years absolutly beautifully


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners.

What a wonderful memorial to have in your yard.

Hydrangeas come in two types. Ones that bloom on new wood and ones that bloom on old wood. If yours has bloomed over the last few years it is most likely one that blooms on new wood. When the buds appear they will be on new growth.  The ones blooming on old wood rarely re-bloom in our zones as the winter kills off the buds.

Pruning of any diseased or dead branches should be done at anytime they are found. For plants blooming on new wood you do not want to trim back any new growth as you will loose your buds. The best time to prune would be in the late winter/early spring before they begin growing for the year. Pruning in the fall can increase winter kill so it is best to wait. When you do prune cut branches back to the main stem so as not to wreck the natural shape of the shrub and to increase air flow through the plant. You may find you only need to prune out old branches and ones that are rubbing on each other. I have included a link below for further reading.

I hope you have many blooms this year.


Hydrangea – Blooming, Growing, Pruning