Planting under Ailanthus

Hello Master Gardeners – I know your website has lots of information about the despised Tree of Heaven but I haven’t seen my particular issue addressed. There’s a huge Ailanthus (at least 50 ft tall) in a corner of my…

Mature Tree of Heaven

Moved into a new home recently and have unfortunately come to the realization one of the trees on my property is a tree of heaven. It’s also quite large, higher than my two story house. It also sits between me…

Roots/suckers coming inside house

Hello! We have a rather curious and tricky case: a tree of heaven sucker was persistently coming through the wall inside our kitchen extension. We just cut the wall open and were able to trace it down to our crawl…

Norway Maple Issues

I have a 20ft high Norway Maple (probably the ‘Crimson King’ cultivar) that is starting to lose leaves, and now branches, on its lower west side. Trunk is 19″ circumference at 4ft. I first noticed some minor leaf loss about…

Ornamental pears

We would love to plant a Capital Ornamental Pear in the northwest corner of our narrow Toronto garden. Unfortunately we cannot seem to find the Capital variety anywhere. We have come across plenty of Chanticleers which grow wider than we’d…

Katsura Tree

We have a small garden in downtown Toronto, and with to plant a specimen tree near a 2m fence. The object is to hide the view of the next door property. We saw a Katsura tree at a nursery, and…

Trimming extremely overgrown weeping mulberry

My new place has a weeping mulberry tree whose leaves last fall trailed all the way to the ground and even farther. It needs trimming, and my desire would be to cut it so that the bottom of the crown…