Plumeria care

If I were to place my recently cut back potted plumeria at the south facing covered porch, and then it rains, would the moisture/mist cause the tender callous cut to rot with fungus?…

Umbrella Tree

Good Afternoon, I hope this email finds you well! I am trying to save this poor umbrella tree, it was not cared for in the office lobby. It is now on my desk so it will get some light and…

ZZ plant is unhappy after transplanting

I have two questions about my 3-year old ZZ plant. 1) I transplanted my ZZplant from a 6 inch to 8 inch pot when its crowded rhizomes started to come out of the top of the pot. I potted it…

Clivia Problem

Hello, I’ve had this clavia problem for a few years. I’ve treated it with Sulphur Dust because I thought it might be rust, but it didn’t help. It’s indoors in a north facing room, about 2ft diameter, and gets watered…

Yellow Leaves on Peace Lily

Hi, My peace lily is flowering but the leaves are mostly yellowish. It sits by north east facing backyard glass door. I water it every 1.5 weeks and let water drain out of the pot. It’s a large pot not…

Is this Clerodendrum (Bleeding Heart Vine)?

Hello, Located in the Eastern Ontario, I was given this plant (a pruned stem with two leaves) by a friend of mine in late spring. She didn’t know the name of the plant… As advised, however, I soaked it in…

Variegated rubber fig

My indoor potted fig has had partial browning of most of its leaves for the 3-4 years I’ve had it. I’m ready to give up on it, but as sons’ gave to me I’d like to try a little longer.…

Canadian Jasmine

I was recently gifted a planned the owner called Canadian Jasmine, I have no experience with this plant, but it flowered this year and I would like to move it to a more permanent spot, but I’m not sure where…

Black spots on leaves

Hello, I purchased this plant (unknown name) at a nursery in the eastern Ontario. Although there were already black spot on some leaves, I was expecting that new leaves would be growing fine. But every new leaf comes out with…