If I were to place my recently cut back potted plumeria at the south facing covered porch, and then it rains, would the moisture/mist cause the tender callous cut to rot with fungus?…
Good Afternoon,
I hope this email finds you well! I am trying to save this poor umbrella tree, it was not cared for in the office lobby. It is now on my desk so it will get some light and…
I have two questions about my 3-year old ZZ plant.
1) I transplanted my ZZplant from a 6 inch to 8 inch pot when its crowded rhizomes started to come out of the top of the pot. I potted it…
I’ve had this clavia problem for a few years.
I’ve treated it with Sulphur Dust because I thought it might be rust, but it didn’t help.
It’s indoors in a north facing room, about 2ft diameter, and gets watered…
Hi, My peace lily is flowering but the leaves are mostly yellowish. It sits by north east facing backyard glass door. I water it every 1.5 weeks and let water drain out of the pot. It’s a large pot not…
Located in the Eastern Ontario, I was given this plant (a pruned stem with two leaves) by a friend of mine in late spring. She didn’t know the name of the plant…
As advised, however, I soaked it in…
My indoor potted fig has had partial browning of most of its leaves for the 3-4 years I’ve had it.
I’m ready to give up on it, but as sons’ gave to me I’d like to try a little longer.…
I was recently gifted a planned the owner called Canadian Jasmine, I have no experience with this plant, but it flowered this year and I would like to move it to a more permanent spot, but I’m not sure where…
I purchased this plant (unknown name) at a nursery in the eastern Ontario.
Although there were already black spot on some leaves, I was expecting that new leaves would be growing fine.
But every new leaf comes out with…
I have owned this plant for 10 years and it has never produced such an amazing bloom, what is unique is its completely 50/50 and the stem color is even opposite the pedal color, how it this possible?…