Burning bush

i have a row of burning bush. they seem to start fine in spring and then they look like this… i dont overwater. this looks to be the same issue year in and out. please dont look at my email.…

Stepover hedge

Hi: We had a boxwood hedge that died last year. I am wondering what alternative short, slow growing bush can be used for a step-over hedge. I was looking for Japanese holly but have not seen it anywhere. Thanks…

Rose Bushes

My mother is asking for a non clumping rose bush….what the heck is that??…

Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus

I accidentally killed my burning bushes by putting miracle grow stakes in the ground last fall. Can I plant replacements this Spring? Will the soil be safe to plant them in?…

Best time to prune Rose of Sharon

Hi, I live in Toronto and want/need to prune my Rose of Sharon plants. They’re growing wild. It is now October (though hot this week). Am I better off to dead head and drastically prune in the coming weeks or…

Transplanting a Butterfly Bush

I need to move my 2 year old butterfly bush to a location that has more space. What is the best way to transplant? What time of year should I attempt this?…

Un-opened Rose of Sharon pods

I live in Toronto. My rose of sharon get 3-4 hours of afternoon sun June, July, August. Many pods do not open. 1. Do I remove them now (late November) 2.Remove them next spring? 3. Just leave them?…

Possibly a hawthorn? PLANT ID

Came across this bush, in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, with red berries. At first I thought it might be a hawthorn. The bush has thorns, and red berries/fruit. but the leaves don’t seem to match hawthorn as I find on the…