Hanging begonia – mildew

The leaves of red hanging begonia have mildew on them. It is not producing the flowers it should. Is there a solution I can use to restore the plant back to health?…

Emerald Cedars Dying in Sequence

Hello, I need some help from your experienced team. I’ve a row of Cedar trees at my home. The trees are now at least 12-14 feet tall, and it’s been 7 years since I got them planted. For the past…

Korean Lilac Standard Decline

I have a Dwarf Korean Lilac Standard that has looked fantastic for the last 11 years. Unfortunately, not so much this year! There are 3 main branches that all the leaves have turned brown and one branch with no leaves.…

Tree Pruning Co for Oak

We need a good tree pruner for a 100+ yrs old oak. The tree is on our neighbour’s property, a few feet from the fence. Can you suggest a pruning company. Thank you,…

Japanese Beetles

Is there an insecticide spray sold in Canada that kills Japanese Beetles? Not interested in killing larva in the lawn or Japanese Beetle traps.…

Yellow Leaves on Peace Lily

Hi, My peace lily is flowering but the leaves are mostly yellowish. It sits by north east facing backyard glass door. I water it every 1.5 weeks and let water drain out of the pot. It’s a large pot not…

My heart leaved asters will not bloom

Hello, My garden is located in north east Toronto near Markham. It has clay soil and seems compacted. I planted two heart leaved asters side by side three years ago. They have let out stalks to bloom every year, but…

White Pine

I have an apparent healthy white pine. 18 months ago 2 branches came down in winter storm, since then its had quite a bit of sap as expected comming from its wounds but also from more peripheral branches upto 8ft…


We have discovered a wasps’ nest under our eaves and were going to eliminate it but the more I read the more I find that paper wasps are of great benefit to the garden. I am inclined to leave it…

Phlox turning yellow

MY neighbour and I both have phlox plants that are turning yellow before they even bloom. Is there a fungus going around? Thank you – Katie…