Tree in ravine – staghorn sumac

Dear expert gardeners, Thanks for your lovely show. My backyard backs into ravine. A tree is growing just outside the fence & branches are now coming into my property. Few of the same tree are in a distance. What is…

How to effectively remove chokecherry sucker trees

Hello, I have a lovely chokecherry tree. Unfortunately, it has created 10 or so small suckers throughout the garden bed. I have tried to remove them by tracing the long root systems and clipping the suckers to ground level. This…

Rhododendron under Black Walnut Tree

Could you help me figure out what has happened to my five-year-old rhododendron? The one in the forefront seems to be on its way out. But the one right behind it is still doing OK. Both plants are about 10…

Tree Pruning Co for Oak

We need a good tree pruner for a 100+ yrs old oak. The tree is on our neighbour’s property, a few feet from the fence. Can you suggest a pruning company. Thank you,…

Flowering Tree Advice

We are looking to plant a flowering tree here at our condo complex in Scarborough, Ontario.. The site is partially over our underground garage roof with a depth of no more than 3 feet so roots must be more spreading…

Tulip tree is this canker? How to treat ?

This was a free tulip tree from the city planted on my front last. Wind blows from west often and bends tree a little to the east. It had been planted on my lawn about 5 years? I just noticed…

Pruning chinese catalpa tree

Hello, Our house has what looks to be a Chinese Catalpa tree from internet search (Feel free to reidentify). I have attached a picture of how we prune it in winter. Can you let us know the proper way and…

Silver Maple Leaf

We have a confined (by wood deck) silver maple in our backyard. 42″ across. More than 2 stories high. Arborist took a look at it just this past fall and said there was nothing wrong with it. Usually gets trimmed…

Disease or Infestation in Old Maple

We have a wonderful old Maple of some variety on the street facing, western side, of our house not too far from Ceder Vale Ravine. It is about 3 or 4 stories high and has a canopy about 35 feet…