Hanging begonia – mildew

The leaves of red hanging begonia have mildew on them. It is not producing the flowers it should. Is there a solution I can use to restore the plant back to health?…

Black spots on leaves

Hello, I purchased this plant (unknown name) at a nursery in the eastern Ontario. Although there were already black spot on some leaves, I was expecting that new leaves would be growing fine. But every new leaf comes out with…

Weeds choking out flowers from seed

I planted many coneflower seeds and zinnia seeds in late April, and the area is now smothered with wild “weeds” (especially forget-me-nots, copperleaf) with no sign of the planted seedlings. Have they been smothered? Planted too late for this year,…

Yellow leaves on Sweet Pea plants

The leaves are turning yellow and falling off at the bottom. The top of the vine seems healthy. Is there anything that can be done to save the sweet pea plants?…

Cosmos annual

Hi, I was wondering if one strain of this plant attracts bees more than another. I like the Sonata Mix and Sensation mix. Having a hard time finding these plants so I may grow them from seed. Thank you, Eileen…

Hanging perennial partial shade

I want to plant hanging plants. Preferably perennials. Preferably with flowers. Semi shade (this is a wall facing south. So 3-4 hours of sun max). Appreciate any suggestions.…


Trying to identify and eradicate what is/are killing my seedlings. I had the same problem last year and it quickly spread to my houseplants. Everything was thrown out and started fresh this year, but having the same problem. Please help.…

Bowers Black Begonia

Hello, I have inherited a Bowers Black Begonia see pic from my mother who was born in Lemington, ONT and I suspect was brought to BC from there… I’m not able to find anything distinctive about the BBB online and…

Rare Begonia

Did anyone ever contact you with an answer to this rare begonia question? Looking for a rare Begonia* I an also looking for the same plant although we called it a turkey claw Closest thing I can find is a…

Tibetan Bell Flowers

I just saw an image of a this flower and wanted to know if it is possible to grow it here? If it is would like to fine the seeds!…