Container veggie seeding in July?

Hello, and thank you for your expertise! This spring I seeded spinach in one of our north-facing balcony planters (30 floors up), and that’s been a success. It’s time now to clean those plants out and try something else. Would…

Planting Narrow Space Along Retaining Wall.

#### **Current Situation:** 1. **Backyard Changes**: – my backyard used to have a downward slope, with the highest point being the last step of the deck, sloping down to the fence (a difference of about 2 feet). – I have…

Low Maintenance Native Balcony Garden

I live in downtown Toronto at York and Queens Quay in a condo that faces east. I have a very long but narrow balcony (see photo). I would like to put in some containers to grow some plants that are…

Rooftop planter garden- growing trapped on pause?

I planted seedlings from a reputable source just before May 24 in my 6 x3 foot planters on my terrace. Once in, they began grow, and then the rain came. We had loads of it, and everything seems trapped in…

Planting under Ailanthus

Hello Master Gardeners – I know your website has lots of information about the despised Tree of Heaven but I haven’t seen my particular issue addressed. There’s a huge Ailanthus (at least 50 ft tall) in a corner of my…

Tomato growing downwards (after a windy day) ?

Hi Master Gardener, I started trying to grow tomatoes for the first time after attending a wonderful Master Gardener session on growing vegetables at home. I realized that my balcony is not ideal for growing tomatoes because we get approximately…

Leaf mold on phlox divaricata

Hi! I’ve so appreciated your expertise on the challenges of trying to attract pollinators to my container garden. Every year (because of budget restraints) I try a few recommended native plants, hoping they can survive the winds and light challenges…

Rhubarb and Container Gardening

I am new to Toronto. I moved from a much colder climate where I had a yard and a wonderful rhubarb. I miss growing fresh rhubarb! I now don’t have a yard but I do have a descent sized sunny…

Potted tree recommendation

Hi, I’m new to home owning and gardening. We have a very small backyard with no soil/grass etc. (concrete). I’ve always wanted a tree, preferably a Lilac/jasmine (or similar good smelling tree) or a fruit tree. Is it feasible and…